We are an ISO9001:2008 manufacturer supplying highly effective air filtration
system to local and regional markets.


Helping people breath clean and better air

Better Air is Malaysia’s leading manufacturer of air filtration systems. For over 40 years, we support a range of  industries and communities worldwide to breath clean and better air. Our air filtration solutions will improve indoor air quality and benefit human health and environment.


Keeping impurities out and maintaining
the perfect results

Our solutions and products are used in automotive manufacturing plants to remove particles, therefore ensuring the resulting product comes out in high gloss and with high-tech performance finishes.

Reducing carbon footprint and improving indoor air quality

Our solutions and products are used in commercial and public buildings to combat air pollutants, therefore improving indoor air quality, maximising energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprint.

Removing contaminations and ensuring safety

Our solutions and products are used in pharmaceutical manufacturing to remove potential contaminations, therefore ensuring that the products are safe for the consumers.

Preventing infections and sterilizing the air

Our solutions and products are used in hospitals and medical facilities to capture and remove airborne particles, therefore reducing the possibility of harm to those with weak and compromised immune systems.

Preventing fire hazards and removing odours

Our solutions and products are used in commercial kitchens to filter out grease, smoke and soot particles released during the cooking process, therefore preventing fire hazards and removing odours at the surrounding area.

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